Individual Relationship Counselling


Individual Relationship Counselling

Whether you are single or in a relationship, the idea of seeking individual relationship counselling might seem inappropriate – and you’re not alone. Lots of people think that relationship counselling is all about couples but that certainly isn’t the case.

It is increasingly common for people to seek relationship therapy on their own, which can be for a variety of reasons. Sometimes people don’t have a partner but just want to talk about a relationship breakdown or issues around finding a partner perhaps.

Sometimes individuals don’t feel ready to seek therapy with their partner. Or perhaps one partner is refusing to attend couples counselling. However, they would still like the opportunity to speak to someone about their relationship. It is also common for someone to feel unsure about their partner or what they want out of their relationship.

Therefore, by talking things through with an unbiased, professional therapist - can help them achieve clarity about how they feel and which steps they want to take.

Individual Counselling

After a Break -Up

At the end of a relationship – whether you’re the one who ended it or not – it can feel like you’re stuck on a roller coaster of negative emotions.

You might be struggling to cope with feelings of sadness, loss, guilt or anger. Which in turn can have a negative impact on your self-esteem and confidence.

Whether it’s a recent break up or you’re having trouble getting over someone you broke up with a while ago, having someone you can talk to openly and confidentially can really help.

A counsellor is like your very own private support network. They are there to help you process what you are feeling, reflect on what happened and support you to move on.

Individual Counselling For

Coercive Control

Domestic abuse isn’t always physical. Coercive control is an act or pattern of acts of assault, threats, humiliation and/or intimidation, used to harm, punish or frighten their victim.

Initially, love bombing may occur to get the victim into the relationship. Gaslighting, isolation, economic control, financial abuse and rules and regulations are gradually introduced over time. Once the victim is emotionally invested there is often a consequence if any of these rules are broken.

Over time, coercively controlling behaviour erodes the victim’s sense of self confidence and self-esteem. The abuser creates an unreal world of contradiction, confusion and fear. Research shows that  51% of victims are not aware that they are being abused, manipulated and controlled.

Our relationship counsellors provide a safe, supportive and non-judgmental environment to help you work through the confusion.

Online Therapy for a Individuals

Our online counselling sessions, facilitated by our experienced therapists, offer a highly effective way for individuals dealing with relationship issues.

Through these online sessions, you can openly and confidentially address your concerns, unburdened by the potential discomfort of in-person sessions. Our skilled therapists, well-versed in individual relationship counselling, will expertly guide you through structured discussions, helping you gain insights into the intricacies of your relationship challenges and help you devise personalised strategies  & understanding for a better relationship.

The flexibility of our online sessions caters to your schedule, allowing you to delve into your concerns at your own pace. Online counselling empowers you to navigate and improve your relationships, gaining emotional well-being and a renewed sense of confidence about your decisions in your relationship.

Problems we can help you with

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