How Does

Couple Therapy Work?

1. Making the Decision to Seek Help
Taking the step to seek relationship counselling might be challenging, especially if one partner is resistant. However, rest assured that marriage counselling is a powerful tool that has helped many achieve their goals.

2. Understanding the Role of Relationship Therapists
Our experienced couple therapists are not there to judge or take sides. Instead, their role is to facilitate open discussions, helping each partner understand the other's perspectives and work towards mutual goals.

3. Creating a Comfortable Environment
Feedback from our clients highlights our couples therapists' exceptional ability to make couples feel at ease during sessions. A comfortable environment fosters open communication and helps the therapist grasp the specific issues from each partner's viewpoint.

4. Active Participation in the Process
Our relationship counsellors actively engage in the conversation and the process of recovery and change. They play an essential role in guiding and supporting both partners towards achieving their desired outcomes.

5. Working Towards Mutual Goals
Throughout the marriage counselling process. The focus is on helping both partners work together to achieve the outcomes they want for their relationship.

Relationship counselling can be an empowering journey that leads to growth and understanding. Our dedicated therapists are committed to assisting both couples and individuals in navigating their challenges and fostering healthier, happier relationships. By participating actively in the process, couples can experience positive changes and strengthened connections.

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What will happen

During Your Couples Counselling Sessions?

You will be in a safe, confidential non-judgemental situation where:-

  • Your thrapist will ask you will both what you would like to achieve out of the couple therapy sessions.. Whether you would like to try and stay together, or perhaps want help in ending the relationship amicably. (It’s still important to go through the below process in order to be able do that).
  • Or maybe, one or both of you are unsure about what you want at this stage. Perhaps you would prefer to see how you feel after the couples counselling.  This is not a problem and is very common. We will work towards what you both want, even if you are unsure.
  • You will be both be given an equal opportunity to express what you feel the current issues are in the relationship and when you think they began. At this point your relationship counsellor will more than likely ask you for some examples of a situation of when a certain type of behaviour hurt/upset or angered you. This allows more context to what you are trying to explain to your partner
  • As the couple therapy progresses, the aim is to encourage your partner to hear what you are saying and vice versa. That way you will both begin to see the bigger picture of what is going on between you.
  • We will help you both to really listen and try and understand each others points of view. Importantly, having a third party perspective here can be really useful because sometimes it’s hard to see things clearly when emotions are involved.
Working together

With Your Partner

  • Both of you will find out what is really important to you and learn how to manage your emotions. You will also be given the opportunity to find out how you can set limits/expectations over what behaviour you will and won’t accept from each other.
  • You will learn about each others differences and needs and agree on compromises going forward.
  • It will be an opportunity for you both to gain new insight into yourself and your partner. And most importantly learn how to bring back intimacy and loving feelings if that is what you would like to achieve.
  • When the sessions come to an end you will be given help and advice on how to keep the relationship on track if that’s the route you choose to take. You will always have the added reassurance of following up with a maintenance session at any time you choose.

Even after the first relationship counselling session most couples report to feeling a huge sense of relief that something is finally being done to bring about change in their relationship.

If you would like to make an appointment for online couple therapy wtih one of our professional relationship therapists, click the Book Online button below.

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