Intimacy Problems


Has Your Relationship Lost its Passion?

It’s common for a relationship experience intimacy issues or to go through phases where one or both partners lose interest in sex.  However, when a relationship loses it passion and intimacy long term, it can cause problems in your relationship, Which is something that often leads couples to seek couple therapy.

Does your partner pull away from you? Or perrhaps they dont want to cuddle let alone have sex? Do you feel confused, hurt and rejected because of it? Perhaps you are the one who doesn’t want to be intimate with your partner? Maybe you don’t feel loved or respected by your partner, so the last thing you feel like doing is being physically close.

Intimacy is not just about sex, it’s also about the closeness a couple share in a romantic relationship, that is different to other relationships.


What Causes Intimacy Issues?

Issues with intimacy, can be simply down to the fact that sexual interest tends to ebb and flow over time. It’s not unusual for partners to have different sex drives at different stages of their relationship.

You may have reached a stage in your relationship, where you love your partner, but life together has just become predictable and stale Therefore, the intimacy has diminished or completely disappeared. This can leave either one or both of you feeling upset, hurt and rejected. If the problem is left unaddressed it an become a difficult or embarrassing subject to broach.

Along with intimacy being on the decline, feelings of resentment can start to build. This tends to happen gradually, over a period of time, where perhaps over-familiarity or complacency has set in.

This sometimes begins after you have children and your priorities change. Or it could be down to poor communication or too many arguments. This can be down to a lack of physical attraction or needs not being met. Perhaps selfish behaviours play a role and one or both of you don’t feel appreciated any more.

Online Therapy For Intimacy Problems

Our experienced marriage therapists are both trained and experienced in helping couples effectively work through any intimacy issues in their relationship.

Our therapists will help you both talk through your feelings on the situation. We will encourage you to be honest, particularly if you are the one who is less interested in intimacy with your partner. It’s only fair that you partner understands what is behind it to ease any hurt or misunderstanding.

If you feel your partner is causing the problem, by being honest and putting them in the picture, allows them the opportunity to change things if they can and choose to.

Your couple therapists will provide you with the help, support and tools you need to help you  both understand improve the intimacy in your relationship.

If you would like to talk to one of our online therapists about the intimacy issues in your relationship. Please make an appointment for an online session using the link below.

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