
Tara Cratchley “We didn’t think we would be sat here together having enjoyed a family Christmas, when this time last year we felt we were at the end. Thank You for helping us find a way forward that suited us, and for your knowledge and understanding. We now are looking forward rather than dreading the...


Tara Cratchley “Thank You, Thank You Thank You… no need to reply, I just wanted to say thank you Tara. You had the right balance between managing the situation with kindness but with a firm boundary to help us both see and understand what where we were going wrong and how we could fix it...


Kiran Kaur “I wanted to give some feedback on myself and my partner’s sessions with Kiran. She has been very understanding and supportive as well as non judgemental and definitely helped us process the things we have been going through recently. She has given me the confidence to believe I am doing the right thing....


Jo Walmsley-Moore  “So my husband and I were in the process of separating and we were able to book an immediate session with Jo for counselling. At the time we were both not communicating and had completely shut down emotionally, with no way forward. In that session Jo managed to completely change our lives. She...


Sian Jones “My wife and I decided to seek online marriage counselling with Sian after having experienced a few communication challenges whilst in lockdown. We have been married just under 2 years and really wanted to nip these issues in the bud” “The counselling was a real revelation. The whole experience was enlightening and we...


Jo Walmsley-Moore “Jo took the time to understand us as individuals and our respective ways of thinking rather than jumping straight into our problems as a couple. She helped us to navigate through our issues gently and at our own pace using tools and resources between sessions to get us thinking and talking to each...


Jo Walmsley-Moore “Although my wife was not comfortable discussing our marital problems with a counsellor herself, Jo really helped me understand how to approach the issues, and gave us a good foundation/plan to build upon. They say the first step is to talk about the problems, and talking with Jo really helped!. Was the first...

Mr & Mrs Hakki

Debbie Fletcher “Online Relationship counselling with Debbie was a positive experience for both of us. The initial questionnaire was a good way to get us to think deeply and try to identify issues we had and wanted to address” “Debbie seemed to understand where each of us was coming from and tried to get us...

Anon – West Malling

Allie Markantonis “We weren’t sure what to expect, or even if it would help. Best money we ever spent!” We chose Allie for help and guidance after finding out of infidelity” “After 15 years into our relationship we were on complete unknown territory. However knew we didn’t want this to be the end” “Therefore found...

CK and NK

Allie Markantonis “I saw Allie for online counselling when I was struggling to know what to do and was very confused. I was in the middle of having an affair and thinking about leaving my wife and child. I couldn’t make sense of what I was feeling or which way to turn” “Allie worked slowly...