Can Marriage Counselling Fix a Relationship?

Can Marriage Counselling Fix a Relationship? In today’s fast-paced world, relationships often face challenges that can strain even the strongest bonds. When conflicts arise and communication breaks down, couples might find themselves questioning the future of their relationship. This is where marriage counselling, or couple therapy can play a pivotal role. But can these interventions...

What is Gaslighting in Relationships

What Is Gaslighting in a Relationship? Introduction This is a guide on a topic that is often misunderstood but crucial to understanding the dynamics of unhealthy relationships – gaslighting. My name is Sian Jones and I am a professional relationship therapist. My aim is to shed light on this subtle yet destructive behaviour. So you...

Is Couples Counselling a Good Idea?

Is Couples Counselling a Good Idea? Are you and your partner facing challenges in your relationship? Do you find yourselves caught in repetitive arguments and unresolved conflicts? If so, couples counselling might be the perfect solution to rekindle the love and understanding you once had for each other. In this article, we will explore the...

Love Languages in a Relationship

Love Languages in a Relationship Taking the time to learn both your own and your partner’s love language can really improve the communication and understanding in your relationship. The five love languages are words of affirmation, acts of service, receiving gifts, quality time, and physical touch. By understanding which love language speaks most to you...

How Annoying is Your Partner?

Relationship Problems – How Annoying is Your Partner?   There is lots of advice available about what to look for in a life partner – honesty, shared values, chemistry, consideration and so on. However, we don’t often think too much about the negative traits we are willing to accept and accommodate in a long-term relationship....

Is Your Partner Gaslighting You?

Gaslighting in relationships Does your other half constantly put you down or treat you badly? Then when you react they tell you that YOU are the crazy one and accuse you of being ‘oversensitive’ or ‘paranoid’? Worse still, have you started to believe them? If so, you may be the victim of ‘gaslighting’. Our marriage...

Emotional Unavailability

Emotionally Unavailability Do you often alone even when you are with your partner? Perhaps you frequently feel frustrated hurt or angry because they get defensive or dismissive you when you are trying to express your feelings? Maybe you feel like you are unable to develop a real emotional intimacy with them? Or you feel they...

Are You Tired of Being Phubbed?

Phubbing in Relationships Relationships are often difficult enough but now there is a new obstacle getting in the way – known as “phubbing” – which is a merging of the words “phone” and “snubbing” ref; The definition of phubbing is ‘snubbing someone in favour of a mobile phone’ Phubbing causes problems in romantic relationships...

How to Ensure Your Relationship Survives the Lockdown

June Brogan is an experienced ‘Relate’ trained couple counsellor, now working for Online Couples Counselling Below, June offers her expert advice on the best way to manage your relationship during the Covid-19 lockdown. Relationships Most relationships are improved by the time we spend apart as well as the special things we do to invest into...

Emotional Neglect in Adult Romantic Relationships

Emotional neglect can have a powerful detrimental effect on the quality and longevity of adult romantic relationships. Unfortunately, it is all too common and something that often leads couples to seek relationship counselling. What is emotional neglect? Sian Jones is a relationship counsellor and she defines it this way. Emotional neglect is the opposite of...