Getting Over A Relationship Break Up

People often contact Online Couples Counselling following a relationship break up. That’s because a romantic breakup can be one of the most traumatic experiences a person can go through. With the feelings often described or likened to as the stages of grief. It’s astonishing to think that nearly every one of us will experience a...

Try and see it my way!

Relationship Counselling By the time couples decide to come along to Relationship Counselling the problems within the relationship have often been going on for months, if not years. Sometimes since the beginning of the relationship. Whereby, the issues haven’t been sorted out properly, by one or both of you and they get pushed under the...

Online Couple Therapy Steps To Feel Close

It’s natural for relationships to go through lulls where the level of intimacy or excitement isn’t the same as it once was. One of our therapists at Online Couple Therapy offer some steps you can take on how to reconnect with your partner in order to feel closer again. Allow yourself to be vulnerable Take...

Relationship Warning Signs

Warning signs that you might need couple therapy A question our relationship counsellors are often asked is “How will we know if we need couple therapy?” If you are a in a relationship, then it’s more than likely, that occasionally, you will experience problems. This is completely healthy and anyone who claims to have never...

Common Relationship Problems

Relationship Problems When people search’ relationship problems’ it can be for a wide variety of reasons. However, the following are some of the more common problems that people often seek relationship help. No relationship is perfect. And if a couple claim that theirs is, then they are probably not being honest with themselves or their...

Zoom Couple Counselling – What Are You Waiting For?

Problems in your relationship? You certainly don’t need to wait until there are big issues in your relationship in order to seek some Zoom couple counselling.. Taking action early can help resolve any problems before they get out of hand and resentment starts to set in. It’s all too easy to try and blame our...

Does Marriage Counselling Work?

Does Marriage Counselling Work?   One question we are often asked is “Does marriage counselling work?” Our relationships therapists answer is a resounding yes! If, as a couple, you REALLY want it to and you are willing to put in the time and effort to make it things work. Despite how angry, hurt or resentful...

Afraid of Online Marriage Counselling?

Online Marriage Counselling One question we are often ask is “Why do people so many people consider the idea of online marriage counselling to be so daunting, when the benefits are so great?” When our physical health is called into question, we instantly seek out the helping hand of our local GP. Then why do...

Afraid of Being Alone?

Fear of leaving a relationship Our couple counsellors at marriage counselling online find it’s common for people to be in an unhappy relationship but decide not to end it. This is often through a fear of being lonely or the fear of not meeting anyone else. This is  often one of the reasons that bring...

The Importance of Communication

Communication in relationships Our relationship counsellors at Online Couples Counselling cannot emphasise enough the importance of effective communicationn in relationships. However, it’s common for couples to fail to recognise that the reason their relationship has run into trouble is because their communication style is poor. Good communication is an important part of all relationships and...