
Madeleine Kingsley

Yorkshire & Humberside Professional Online Counsellor

About Madeline Kingsley

My name is Madeleine Kingsley and I am a ‘Relate’ qualified couple’s counsellor with over 30 years’ experience. I ohold a ‘Relate’ Certificate in Couples Counselling and a ‘Relate’ Postgraduate Diploma in Family Counselling. I am also a registered member of the BACP (British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy)

Additional training has allowed me to work with families, children and young people. This enables me to see the bigger picture of which you are part. 

During our safe and confidential sessions, I will listen attentively to you both. I am passionate about supporting couples through tough times towards a brighter but realistic future. Couples often start out feeling full of love and desire for each other,. Then find themselves questioning where the ‘spark’ has gone. My job is to help you restore closeness and desire, remembering the strengths that first brought you together. 

Stuck relationships…

You may be stuck in a cycle of arguments or find yourselves living fraternally rather than as lovers.  Perhaps you’re wondering how a shared future could conceivably unfold following a deeply hurtful affair. Challenging life stages such as transition to parenthood, family loss or illness, financial or work struggles, empty nest, the menopause can all too easily disrupt the couple’s connection and your capacity to reset and move forward together. These are difficulties and dilemmas that I can help you talk through and resolve. 

I won’t judge you or make decisions for you in our sessions, nor will I apportion fault or blame. Relationship therapy is a shared voyage of exploration in which I help you to make sense of the thorny patch you’re experiencing and to understand each other’s viewpoint. I will suggest tools and techniques to help you communicate with honesty but also kindness. 

Counselling can be transformative without scary seismic change: I will help you to see that it’s often small changes that lift and lighten your partnership.

If you would like to make an appoinment to see me for Relationship Therapy. Please do so via the link below.


  • Master’s Degree in History from University of Cambridge
  • Relate Certificate in Couples Counselling
  • Relate qualification in counselling Children and Young People
  • Relate Postgraduate Diploma in Family Counselling


Before qualifying as a couple’s counsellor, 30 years ago, I worked as a Feature’s Journalist for magazines and newspapers. Where I wrote about feelings, family life, health and country matters. As well as book reviews and author and celebrity profiles.  

I also worked in the voluntary sector interviewing prisoners, attending Parole Board committee meetings, at Wandsworth and Armley prisons.

My contribution to Steven Spielberg’s ‘Archive of the Shoah’ where I took video testimony from survivors of the Holocaust, is close to my heart.

I’m also a Patron of ‘CANCERactive’. Which is a charity dedicated to cancer prevention, cancer support and integrative cancer therapies.


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How I can help you

  • With over 30 years’ experience I will help you feel heard and understood without judgement. Right away I will suggest strategies to enhance communication.
  • Together, we will explore your differences and discover why disagreement does not necessarily divide you. We’ll aim to grow the positives of your relationship and shrink the negative.
  • My style is conversational, collaborative and tailored to your specific needs, whatever your age, gender, sexuality or cultural background. I’m particularly interested in life stages and helping you surmount the challenges these pose.
  • I work with assorted theoretical approaches – psychodynamic, attachment, family systems, Transactional Analysis, Therefore, I can share with you how they can illuminate the counselling process.
  • I aim to help you rediscover desire and enrich your closeness and connection. But if therapy leads you to conclude your relationship has sadly run its course, I can help you to part as painlessly as possible.
Year Department Hospital
2002-2005 Cardio-respiratory Institute Of Coast Private Hospital
2002-2005 Cystic Fibrosis Canada Of Coast Private Hospital
2010-2017 Livers & Oncology USA Institute for Rehabilitation
2018-2022 Osteogenesis imperfecta Kessler Institute for Rehabilitation

Types of therapy offered

Couple Therapy/Marriage Counselling

LGBTQ+ Relationship Therapy

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

Psychodynamic Counselling

Person Centred Therapy

Bereavement Counselling

Trauma Therapy


Dedicated to helping you

Our Highly Experienced Relationship Therapists

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